I love books and am happy that  internet technology makes it possible for me to make them.  I have wanted to make photography books ever since I got serious about taking pictures and learned how to print them well.  (Thanks to Zone VI workshops in Vermont in the 1970s and the late Fred Picker’s lively teaching.)   My archives, dating from the 1960s are enormous and the bulk of the pictures were taken around the world in connection with a folk art importing business that my husband and I owned and, later, during the twenty-two  years when I was president of Aid to Artisans.  I’ve had quite a few one-person exhibits and given many illustrated lectures and have taught photography at Zone VI,  SACI  in Florence, Italy, and Taft School.  Nowadays I don’t want to be distracted by marketing requirements because I need the time to concentrate on making the dozens of books I have in mind.  Although I am currently the publisher, HAND/EYE has agreed to be my official publisher and I may decide to register for ISBN numbers.  The books are protected by copyright.